Helen Schruder - Watermarks
Welcome to my home Art Gallery in Pembroke,Ontario!
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My kids page, in my Gallery, offers you a sample of how YOUR grandchildren or YOUR own children would be portrayed in a customized watercolour painting. My Karl May page offers the largest collection of Karl May's amazing paintings in one place I am still exploring the many realms of paintings after more than 40 years. My work has always consisted of the beauty of nature around me. I am constantly striving to find new ways of expressing creativity. My “Metis Roots” collection explores the use and portrayal of nature in a totally different way. Not only have I painted nature with a brush, but, through the creative use of birch bark, I have incorporated nature directly into my paintings. These enchanting works are a combination of a watercolour painting with birch bark enhancement. My current collection “Kids Series” has evolved from the summers at the cottage. In these quiet images, I reveal the playful innocence of the world of youth. The almost-photographic image of the child is painted on a white canvas with little else to distract from the image. I continue to challenge myself and explore new realms of painting. To quote Picasso: “I am always doing something I can’t do; that’s how I get to do them”.